Monday, July 18, 2005


Greetings all...Happy Monday morning to you!

If you were wondering about the title...we were too. We have been strolling around Innsbruck, Austria yesterday looking at a lot of schmuck...which is jewelry. That is your German lesson for the day. Don't worry, we didn't buy any of it...we are saving our money for Italy...our next stop.

Our day in Innsbruck was very simple:
1. Find an Internet cafe and email you...all of our bloggers.
2. Find a hotel to stay in for the night.
3. Walk to the hotel.
4. Take a nap.
5. Eat dinner....a real seems like we've been doing a lot of snacking lately..not a lot a time for real food.
6. Eat ice cream-gelato while people watching near the river running through the town.
7. Watch Runaway Bride and You've Got Mail in German. (Other movies\shows we like in other languages: Full House, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, While You Were Sleeping...watched it in Paris...thought it was in French..but actually it was in Spanish.)
8. Go to sleep.
9. Wake up.
10. Eat a pastry and people watch.
11. Email you again.
12. Take a train to Italy.

That is about all we've done on our last stop in Austria. This town is beautiful..surrounded by many mountains and glaciers (as Jennifer's science lesson pointed out).


Sabrina: We're wishing for the Seattle weather right is hot here. We are officially retiring JJ for a while.

Panera Pals: Thanks for praying...I'm hopefully going to finish the book soon. Missing those cinnamon crunch bagels.

Dana: We really need you for organizing our suitcases about now. They seem to be expanding, though we are still sitting on the plastic packing bags. (Elise, tell Dana to check the blog.)

Elise: There is definitely lots of things in white might not go for the European food.

Bev: We will collect a few postcards for you in our journeys.

Emily: The weather here is great...just a bit hotter than the northern parts of Austria. Can you give us an Italy update? We're not washing again..yes, the woolite is all gone. (Tell Erin to check the blog.) We are looking forward to meeting Tracy.

Erin: Girl, there will be so many pictures for us to share with you. Tell Keith and Harrison hello...we had some shepherd's pie in Germany. No breakouts yet.

Gary: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is advertised all over Europe in every language. Veruca was even on a poster. You would have laughed.

Tara S.: Hannah Beth would look precious in some of the baby clothes here, especially the sweaters and matching hats.

Tara M.: Thanks for the French language tips. Bonjour did the trick.

Carolyn: Your clothesline, backpacks, convertors, and travel tips have been great. We are looking forward to your favorite spots.

Meredyth: Gelato and ice cream is everywhere. We even saw a little girl eating it for breakfast this morning at 10:00 a.m. Also, we have picked out some great Austrian fashion for you to wear...we have pictures.

Fellow JJ wearers: Sadly, we think that JJ is going to rest throughout her journey into Italy, but denim skirt will carry us until the end.

Lila: Jennifer found the perfect house for you...window boxes on every window filled with gorgeous flowers...everyone at SHBC will be jealous of your abode.

Rachel and Mary Katherine: Please send some Latin tips that you remember from Patsy. As I venture into Italy, I want to be prepared. Icare, Icare, Icare.

Dad: We ate fish last can definitely filet better than the Austrians...found a few bones in my mountain trout almandine. Tell Lily hello from us.

That's about it for us.

Ciao for now!
Maria and Leisel signing off from Bavaria!

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