Thursday, July 14, 2005

Tips for finding out you are on the wrong bus...

Yes, the adventure continues. We loved Heidelberg zesterdaz, but we needed to get out so we could come to Munich last night. Thinking we had the public transportation szstem of H'berg figured out, we got on Bus #12 to go back to our hotel, then to hop on the train. Well, manz people got on and got off...yet JJ remained. JJ noticed that the bus kept seeing the same landmarks as well as Bismarkplatz a few times. Well, JJ just kept riding...continually looking for the hotel bus stop. When JJ´'s bus pulled down a deserted road and the driver turned off the bus and started on a snack, she knew something was awry. Upon further investigation, she soon realized that she (along with Karen and Jennifer) was the onlz one on the bus. So, JJ did what anz woman would do...go ask for directions from Klaus, the German bus driver.

"Excuse me, sir, I think we´ve gotten on the wrong bus. Does this one go to the train station?"
Klaus replied shaking his head, "Oh no, no, no....zou have to get on 41 or 42."

JJ quicklz reported back to her cohorts..JH and KJ who took the opportunitz to video this momentous event. Lesson learned: alwazs clarifz where bus 12 is going. Did we mention it was 98 degrees? JJ is now taking a respite in the suitcase right now...never fear.....denim skirt or jean skirt (JS) is now taking her place.

Until tomorrow when the Hills will be Alive with the Sound of Music....
KJ, JH, JJ, JS, KJ (khaki jacket)

Shout out...
Mr. Mueller....loved the Heidelberg castle
Arbonne ladies....the eye cream is helping the weary travelers


JJ Gulf Breeze said...

If it makes you feel better, it must be 100 here in Tuscaloosa. Hope you got off at the Munich stop! You would like the wood carvings at Oberammergau! Keep on having fun.


Embers to a Flame said...

I've got one word for you in Italy... "capolinea." If you get on a bus that starts to head for the capolinea, get off! That's the end of the line where the bus stops and the driver eats his snack - Italian style! However, you could just stay on and pray that the capolinea stops in front of a gelatteria!


JJ Gulf Breeze said...

Glad ya'll are having fun! I enjoy following your journey. We are settling in after dodging Dennis. Lily thinks she is at summer camp - swimming, canoeing, running the hills and woods,etc. Keep having fun and we will read with interest!
Lily's Camp Director